Members Resources

Cortlandt EMS Dress Code Policy
All members responding to an emergency call must were Cortlandt EMS uniform attire. OSHA regulations require no open toed shoes or sandals. All clothing must fit properly, presenting a neat and clean appearance.
Uniforms must be worn during parades, duty crew, standby for special events (sports, community events) and responding to emergency calls.
Cortlandt EMS uniform shirt, navy blue (BDU/TDU) pants, Cortlandt EMS sweatshirt/coat in cold weather, sneakers/black boots are required uniform attire for parades, duty crew, standby for special events (sporting/community events) and emergency calls. Uniform (BTU/TDU/cargo) shorts are permissible in June, July and August only. When not on duty crew/standby, jeans with Cortlandt EMS shirt/sweatshirt are permissible. Sweatpants, leggings, tights, tee-shirts are not permissible at any time.
Cortlandt EMS Oxygen Tank Policy
Oxygen tanks on all Cortlandt EMS vehicles are provided for patient care on Cortlandt EMS emergency calls.
The Cortlandt EMS crew will check the main oxygen tank and all portable oxygen tanks, replacing low or empty tanks with full tanks.
If the main oxygen tank is low, the crew should replace the tank. If the crew cannot replace the tank, the crew chief will notify an EMS officer who will arrange its replacement.
Cortlandt EMS oxygen tanks may not be exchanged with those from any other emergency agency, emergency medical responder or private entity.
Upon request, Cortlandt EMS will fill an empty oxygen tank, but will not replace an empty tank with a Cortlandt EMS tank.
CCVAC Recertification
Cortlandt EMS provides the opportunity for its active, riding members to renew EMT certification through the NYS DOH Three-Year Continuing Educational Recertification Program (formerly known as the Pilot Program). This program allows an EMT who is in continuous practice, demonstrates competency and completes appropriate continuing education to renew certification without taking a certification exam.
All members renewing their EMT-B certification through this program with Cortlandt EMS must be active riding members (providing patient care on a minimum of 20 Cortlandt EMS calls per year, 60 within the three-year certification period) and receiving CMEs through the Cortlandt EMS training program (not all CMEs must be through Cortlandt EMS).
Please be advised that if you are not a riding member who has trained with Cortlandt EMS or provided patient care on Cortlandt EMS calls (riding the call providing primary patient care, not as a driver or on scene only EMT), Cortlandt EMS cannot recertify you through this program. All recertification submissions must be reviewed/approved by the training officer and signed before the CIC approves. Submit CMEs in chronological order to the training officer 60 days before your expiration.
It is your responsibility to keep CME copies and provide copies for your Cortlandt EMS file. Please leave copies of CMEs in the training officer mail slot. If you choose not to provide Cortlandt EMS with copies of your CMEs and you are short credits, you will not be recertified.
Please consider the New York State Department of Health requirements for recertification and your options for renewing your recertification as your expiration date nears. (Documentation must be submitted 45 days prior to your expiration date.)
Note: Standby time is not considered riding a call, nor is responding to/leaving the scene in a private vehicle; you must ride the call and actively be involved in patient care.